This world is really a mess, isn't it? We wonder why God allows it to continue so. As we look into what He has revealed to us, it starts to make sense that God uses human history to teach both mankind and angels what He is like.
Knowing God is not merely an academic exercise but it must be experienced by our senses and internalized into our souls. Due to our sinful nature, our senses cannot rightly understand His goodness. We must be taught that God is good all of the time. This idea does not merely describe Him as benevolent and loving and kind. His goodness also includes His justice.
An unrighteous judge does not punish fairly, but a good and just judge is one who brings to light the evil intent of the heart and prescribes punishment without respect of persons. A good judge is one who is able to rightly show the contrasts between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death.
At the very beginning of creation we see that creatures with free will must internalize these distinctions. This gift of free will means that we may sovereignly choose to trust in God's perfect goodness or to trust in ourselves. If we choose our self-proclaimed goodness above God's, we are following Lucifer's error of declaring, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." (Isaiah 14:14).
Every choice has a consequence and to those who are given much, much is required. For angels created in the likeness of God, the consequences of their choices have no opportunity for redemption. Choosing against God, their fate is sealed for that Lake of Fire prepared for them from the beginning of creation. (Matthew 25:41)
Yet for man who is created as a living soul in both the image and the likeness of God, the opportunity for redemption exists at great cost to God Himself. (Romans 8:32) Rejecting that redemption carries with it an even more severe and eternal cost. For man's bold rejection carries with it the same fate as that reserved for the angels. (Revelation 20:10)
In addition to the gnashing of teeth in those eternal torments, there is that everlasting infection of both mind and soul. The Lord describes it as an undying worm, (Mark 9:44-48) a parasite that produces an incurable and everlasting fever. This as a consequence of rejecting the Divine light and love that God provides.
God has no desire for you and I to suffer such torments. (2 Peter 3:9) He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. (Ezekiel 33:11) Instead, He desires that none should perish but that all would come to repentance and know everlasting life instead of everlasting torments. This battle for your soul is evidence that your sovereign choice remains. The Spirit of God pleads with you and I to turn to God from idols.
This battle for men's souls began with God's declaration in Genesis 3:15 that He would send the 'seed of the woman' to restore the order that was lost in Eden. This expectation of God's man was accompanied by the expectation that this 'seed of the woman' would be wounded on earth. Yet that same man would one day destroy the seed of the serpent by crushing its head.
We have seen Satan's desperate attempt to prevent this by corrupting the seed of the woman. God countered this with a flood to destroy all but Noah and his family through whom the seed of the woman was preserved.
Since Satan had to guess the bloodline through whom the seed of the woman would come, his strategy was to corrupt the genetics of mankind. The flood foiled his evil intent, so that now he needs to find a man that he could corrupt into becoming the 'seed of the serpent'.
Nimrod, Ruler of Bab El
Satan belongs to the angelic realm, he cannot retain his dominion on the earth apart from having men on the earth through whom he can rule. So it was that after the flood, a new attempt at corrupting mankind was made through a man named Nimrod,
“He persuaded them to attribute their prosperity not to God but to their own valor, and little by little transformed the state of affairs into tyranny, holding that the only way to detach men from the fear of God was by making them continuously dependent upon his power. He threatened to have his revenge on God if He wished to inundate the earth again; for he would build a tower higher than the water could reach and avenge the destruction of their forefathers.”
Nimrod's pre eminence led him to establish religious practices that manipulated mankind into believing this perversion of God's order was normal. Adam's sin in Eden not only forfeited his dominion to Lucifer, but it also severed the connection between the earthly and angelic realms. This new religious system promoted the re-establishment of that connection without first connecting to Jehovah God.
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