Tuesday, July 23, 2024

17 Necessity of the Flood (part 2)

  Gen. 6: 1-4,9,13

"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown. ... And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth."  Genesis 6:4, 13 KJV

As we think about the restoration of God’s kingdom on the earth, some questions naturally arise: Why doesn’t God just destroy Satan and be done with it?: Why did God send a flood?; Why did God choose Abram?

In the last post we considered that God's goodness means that He is infinitely loving, but that He is also absolutely just. The flood was necessary to execute justice on the treasonous activity of mankind who had allied themselves with demons against God. 

‘the end of all flesh is come before me’ is a phrase that describes the full exposure of man's rebellion to the wrath of God. With the exception of Noah and his immediate family, the whole of humanity could only reproduce evil continuously. 

In other words, this demonic incursion into the human gene pool had progressed to the social expectation that men and women were to look for opportunity to mate with angels. (The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not just the sin of homosexuality, but an active desire to mate with angels.) 

This view of angels mating with mankind went out of favor after the 4th century. Instead it was proposed that this was intermarriage between the godly line of Seth and the ungodly line of Cain. 

Renald Showers explains:

“...it is interesting to note that the Sethite Line-Cainite View does not begin until the fourth century A.D. This makes it the newest of the three major views. The New Catholic Encyclopedia states that this view ‘that sees in these sons of God the Sethites and in the daughters of men the Cainites dates from the fourth century and is influenced by theological concern for maintaining the spirituality of the Angels.’ This seems to imply that the major motivation for starting this view was not exegesis of Scripture but opposition to the angel view...” 

Those Invisible Spirits Called Angels (Bellmawr, NJ: Friends of Israel, 1997), 96-97.

However, it is hard to conceive that this activity would have caused God to declare that 'the end of all flesh is come before me'. Given what we know of Satan's desperate attempts to corrupt the seed of the woman, it makes more sense to see this as the apostles Peter and Jude understood it and referred to it in their writings.

This desire to mate with angels describe the kind of marriages taking place in the ‘days of Noah’.  According the words of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:37, these are the kind of marriages that will be repeated in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.

It is interesting that the royal families of Europe reportedly believe that they derive their authority from a blood line produced by the union of angels with Cain. They believe that this royal line was preserved through Noah’s sons wives.  This explains why these global elites consider themselves heirs to rule the earth. The fullness of their sin is seen in their tyrannical imposition of wars, pestilence and famine.

Such treasonous corruption requires the righteous God to act justly. In Noah's day, God sent a flood to destroy the earth. In a coming day the fullness of man's sin will be seen in a one world government ruled by Satan's seed, the antichrist. Men will apparently once again be seeking opportunity to mate with angels. 

In that day God will judge the world by a period of great tribulation, such as has never been seen on the earth. 

Why does God allow evil to grow?

God's justice requires evidence that demands a verdict. In other words, the execution of justice must be seen to be just. God does not merely accuse mankind of violating His Words but His justice requires that the consequences of sin are fully experienced. 

We are all likely familiar with the story of a man who wanted to prevent his son from becoming addicted to tobacco. So, he had the boy smoke several packs of cigarettes until it made him sick. The intent in this was to discourage the boy from addictive behavior. 

In the same way, God uses man's experience with sin to show mankind their sin sickness. Nevertheless when we ignore this sickness, we become addicted to sin. This is often called 'depravity'.

Depravity does not mean that people are as evil as they possibly can be. None of us are inherently good, but neither do we always act in totally evil ways. Evil men can often be seen to act in good ways. If nothing more, acts of loving kindness soothes the seared conscience. Rather, depravity means that every aspect of my being is shown to be corrupted by the idea that God is not good and that His word cannot be trusted. 

Whenever mankind submits to doctrines of demons, individual sovereignty is lost and we ultimately become enslaved to tyrants. This is not God's desire for mankind and God's love designs a means of deliverance from this tyranny. 

Noah's family had not submitted themselves to demonic corruption. They had come to know that God's goodness required Him to act justly. Yet they also knew God's goodness would provide a means of shelter from His judgment. They were saved by their faith in God's goodness. This led them to obey God in the building of an ark to preserve them through the global flood. 

In our day it is obedience to God by placing our trust in Christ. Our world is fast ripening to God's judgment. Have you found shelter from the coming storm by trusting Christ? You can simply ask God to deliver you from your depravity. Christ Jesus has already paid the price for our depravity. You can receive Christ as your Savior today and be sure that you are free from God's judgment on sin. 

Nothing more than trust in Christ is needed, but nothing less will do.

In the next post, we will look at the necessity of the Abrahamic covenant.


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